
Medical Marijuana


Cannabis, medicine and more!

For millions of people, cannabis is a recreational release. For millions more, it’s a potent and powerful medicine, helping alleviate the symptoms of dozens of health issues. And with pot legalization on the minds and agendas of many people, cannabis might become a daily staple, in some form or another, for tens of millions more in coming years.

But cannabis is much more than a tool for getting high. We’re still unravelling the complexities of the plant and finding new and innovative ways to use it. This is one of the reasons some people — even those who have traditionally opposed cannabis consumption on moral grounds — are starting to see the light. The green light, that is.

Besides the cannabis plant’s leaves and buds, the green represents enormous profit potential. With cannabis legalization comes business opportunities. And by learning to exploit the numerous uses of the cannabis plant, money will be made, jobs will be created, and consumers will benefit.

So, what are some of those fewer known uses? We all know cannabis is used as a medicine, but how exactly? And what are its other uses outside of medicine?

Weight LossWeight loss therapy

Yes, you can seriously use cannabis to help you lose weight. Many people with eating disorders use it to help regulate their appetite, and it can be also used to regulate your metabolism. This, of course, will need to work in line with other measures — specifically, following a proper diet and getting enough exercise. But if you need help managing your appetite, cannabis can help.

Fighting addiction

Scientists are finding cannabis is an effective remedy for helping addicts beat their addictions. There are still concerns about cannabis addiction. But for now, cannabis is being used to help ween people off of other more harmful substances, which include, alcohol and opioids. But that’s not to say you can’t develop a problematic relationship with cannabis.

Instead of painkillers, including opioids

We all know how widespread and damaging the opioid epidemic has been to numerous countries nationwide. People are hooked on painkillers, and many are dying as a result. But cannabis is a potential alternative. Though there’s still a lot of research to be done, medical marijuana appears to be a viable option for those suffering from chronic pain.

Treating cancer

Perhaps the most exciting and underhyped element of cannabis legalization is the drug’s potential uses against cancer. Research has shown cannabis can kill cancer cells, meaning it could become a new weapon in an oncologist’s arsenal. There’s a lot more research to be done, but so far, the early results are promising. Cannabis can also make chemotherapy a more pleasant experience, too. “A day doesn’t go by where I don’t see a cancer patient who has nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, pain, depression and insomnia,” says Dr. Donald Abrams, chief of haematology-oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and a professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Marijuana, he says, “is the only anti-nausea medicine that increases appetite.” It also helps patients sleep and elevates their mood—no easy feat when someone is facing a life-threatening illness. “I could write six different prescriptions, all of which may interact with each other or the chemotherapy that the patient has been prescribed. Or I could just recommend trying one medicine,” Abrams says.

An antidepressant

Another use for medical marijuana is in the fight against depression. With depression and mental illness rapidly on the increase, this is incredibly important. Mental health problems are one of the main causes of the overall disease burden worldwide¹.  And the good news is studies are being published that cannabinoids can help stabilize your mood and ease depression.

Treating anxiety

Anxiety and panic attacks can also be treated with cannabis. Though we traditionally think ingesting cannabis can make you paranoid, there are certain strains or types of marijuana that can help alleviate anxiety. If you plan on trying cannabis to deal with your anxiety issues, it’s important you find the right strain.


When it comes to things, such as ADHD and obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can add them to the list. Cannabis and the right combination of cannabinoids can help manage these issues effectively, too. But just like with many of the other health issues covered, it all depends on getting the right chemical composition when choosing marijuana strains or products.

CatPet treatments

Cannabis, on its own, can be poisonous to your pets. So, keep any cannabis or related products away from them. But there are products made specifically for animals, including dogs and cats. Many of these products basically act like medical cannabis. They’re designed to help older animals in chronic pain. You can find them in some pet stores or online.

Sexual health

We’re not simply talking about getting high and getting down and dirty. Researchers are finding cannabis might become a valuable tool in protecting people from diseases. Scientists are exploring whether marijuana can help cure herpes and even fight HIV. And if you are on the market for a Viagra replacement, pot might be able to help you with that issue, too!

Healing serious injuries

Cannabis can help you recover from very serious injuries. And not just as a painkiller. It has emerged, that, marijuana helps broken bones heal faster. It also can make them stronger and prevent future fractures. As it turns out, cannabidiol enhances collagen maturation, leading to healthier and stronger connective tissues.

BrainBrain health

Although traditional wisdom says smoking or using pot will kill your brain cells, there’s actual evidence that suggests cannabis can help protect your brain. Finding the right cannabis can help stave off degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There’s also research showing cannabis can help protect your brain receptors from harm.

Gut health

Having trouble with indigestion? Or do you have a more serious chronic illness, such as Crohn’s disease? Cannabis can help! The key is in the anti-inflammatory properties that cannabis has. And because many patients are dealing with inflammation, it can help.


If you or someone you know has used marijuana and subsequently fallen asleep or experienced “couch lock,” then it’s obvious to you that cannabis can be a powerful sleep aid! The chemical composition of indica strains, tend to have higher THC concentrations, and are most helpful in aiding sleep!!


  1. Vos, T., et al. (2013) Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. The Lancet. 386 (9995). pp. 743-800.